Grade 12 students in Manitoba learning Applied Math... They're in two different towns, and happen to be connected by Highway 10...They'll be learning with and from each other. Ryan Maksymchuk and Cam Bennet are teachers in Swan River and Dauphin, Manitoba, respectively. This is a bright idea that may encourage other teachers and students to consider collaborating with other learners in other places...It might work. It might not...Watch and see...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And another chapter begins...

So Mr. Bennet and I have schemed a bit to 'open up our world' a little with respect to the idea that our students need to be exposed to some different things with regard to online learning.

We thought (actually, it was mostly Mr. Bennet's idea, but I'll happily agree with ideas that aren't mine and that I believe are worthwhile....) that we would create a blog populated by authors from each of our respective classes in Grade 12 Applied Math. So here we are.

Yes, this is new....

Yes, this is a little experimental....

photo credit:

No, we've never done this before...

No, we're not really sure how it's exactly going to turn out...

I am, personally, by nature, at least somewhat optimistic generally about new things. I'm excited about learning from and with new people, and I believe as a teacher that I owe it to my students to explore and learn with them. Let's keep our minds open, and let's keep track of the things we do well to share with others, and also the things we need to improve upon to help future students and teachers embarking on similar journeys....

Here in my school, our semester starts tomorrow, so I'll meet my students then....

Any thoughts, Mr. Bennet???

(or comments?)

1 comment:

  1. I am not nearly as experienced at this as Mr. Maksymchuk, nor am I as eloquent. But I think it's a great idea too, and look forward to teaching both my students and his and hopefully learning a few things along the way.
