Grade 12 students in Manitoba learning Applied Math... They're in two different towns, and happen to be connected by Highway 10...They'll be learning with and from each other. Ryan Maksymchuk and Cam Bennet are teachers in Swan River and Dauphin, Manitoba, respectively. This is a bright idea that may encourage other teachers and students to consider collaborating with other learners in other places...It might work. It might not...Watch and see...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Here's Matricies For Ya

Hi, I'm Silver, nice to meet you. I hope you are all well.
I am working with Nemo, to help teach you about matrices. As this is the first time this is being done (our schools doing this blog) I hope it works well, and does help our classes.
I am going to try to teach you how to ADD, SUBTRACT, and SCALAR MULTIPLY matrices, by telling you the rules and conditions that must be followed to either add, subtract or multiply the matrices. I will also give you examples that was given to my class to help explain what I am trying to tell you.

Now, I will start with ADDING the matrices.
To Add matrices they must have the same dimensions, meaning they must have the same amount of rows and columns.

This page that was given to my class by Mr.Maksymchuck just means what I said.... with a break-out of colors.
To simplify this color explosion, it tells us, if we look at matrix A and matrix B, that "0" can be added to "4", "1" can be added to "5", "2" can be added to"6", and "3" can be added to"7".
The result of which will be matrix C that would be:
[4 6]
[8 10]

As another example:
A [2x4] matrix can be added to another [2x4] matrix.
However, a [2x5] matrix cannot be added to a [3x6]matrix.

Now that I tried to explain ADDING matrices, I will now try to explain how to SUBTRACT them.
Subtracting matrices should be easily understood, so long as you know how to ADD matrices. I say it is easy because it follows the same rule, or the same condition as ADDING. "The dimensions must be the same."

For example:
A [5x5] matrix can be SUBTRACTED by another [5x5] matrix, exactly like matrices with these dimensions can be ADDED.

Next up is MULTIPLYING matrices. Now there are two kinds of multiplying, but I will teach you about one kind, SCALAR MULTIPLYING.
With SCALAR MULTIPLYING the whole matrix is multiplied by the SCALAR NUMBER.

This burst of color just explains that any matrix be it a [1x1], [2x10], or even bigger (any sized) matrix can be multiplied by any size of a scalar number.

The definition says that it is just a number, or just a value, that it doesn't give a direction.

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