Grade 12 students in Manitoba learning Applied Math... They're in two different towns, and happen to be connected by Highway 10...They'll be learning with and from each other. Ryan Maksymchuk and Cam Bennet are teachers in Swan River and Dauphin, Manitoba, respectively. This is a bright idea that may encourage other teachers and students to consider collaborating with other learners in other places...It might work. It might not...Watch and see...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Getting To Know You....(isn't that a famous song by someone my parent's age?)

What's the weather like in Dauphin? How about the highways? Buses run today? Consider this a shout out trying to discuss things other than Probability / Matrix Modelling.....The way I see it, we should 'break the ice', somehow, although in light of recent weather phenomena, maybe it's best to just say hello to each other....

So, Hello!



  1. That song is from 1956. It was featured in the movie "The King and I".

  2. I think mr. maksymchuck knows that.
    of course anyone else reading can now get a good night sleeping, knowing what year that song was from!
